Let’s talk about a project fo mine, Fritzen Proto – an Arduino-compatible circuit board that can be connected to a breadboard
In this post we will see together what is Arduino Zero, how and when it came to be and what can it be used for
Let’s dive in and learn about a more advanced subject, Interruptions in Arduino with attachInterrupt() function
Today we will discuss what are the Arduino alternatives, ecossistems and boards you can use for your projects
Learn how to implement a charlieplexing with 8 LED’s and only 4 pins of Arduino
Learn how to implement a 10 key keypad using only one analog pin as their interface, with Arduino
A weather station reading temperature and humidity using a DHT11 sensor and a LCD display
A binary (with LEDs) thermometer with LM35 and Arduino UNO
Let’s learn how to implement a substitute for the delay() function in Arduino, using the function micros() and some clever coding
This post shows how to read NTC temperature sensors with Arduino UNO.
A video and code on how to control a fan with PWM and Arduino UNO.
A video on how to manipulate/control analog IO with Arduino UNO.
Learn how to manipulate/control digital IO with Arduino UNO.
Learn how to use TCS230 color sensor with Arduino and RGB LED.
An Arduino-based datalogger with four inputs and saving to microSD card