Just buy this Arduino course and learn Arduino from scratch, everything from available boards all the way to code optimization
I am going to show you how to interface those cheap 433MHz radio with Arduino and ESP32, using cheap hardware and two ESP32 models
Ever needed to detect object presence and distance? use the APDS-9900 proximity sensor with microPython, with the ESP32-C3 super mini
Let’s learn how to get configuring microPython on ESP32-C3 super mini, using a command line tool called “esptool” and Thonny IDE
Let’s learn how to control and read the DS18b20 temperature sensor with micropython, using Thonny IDE and A Raspberry Pi Pico 2
Let’s learn how to read a LM35 temperature sensor with microPython, using a Raspberry Pi Pico 2 and Thonny IDE software
Let’s get to programming STM32 Bluepill with Arduino IDE, using a USB to serial converter and the Arduino IDE 2.x, besides a STM32F103 board
Let’s see how to create analog voltage with microPython, using a Raspberry Pi Pico 2 and MCP4725, along with a GC9A01 round LCD display
Let’s control the round display GC9A01 with microPython, using a Raspberry Pi Pico 2 and a breadboard. Let’s show text on it
Let’s connect and use a DHT11 temperature sensor with microPython, using a Raspberry Pi Pico 2 programmed using Thonny IDE
This article will discuss the usage of a thermocouple with MAX6675 in microPython, which is a temperature sensor used in an industrial set
We will learn how to control the BH1750 light level sensor with microPython, using the Raspberryp Pi Pico 2 RP2350 board and Thonny IDE
Let’s get to know how to implement readings on the HDC1080 temperature sensor with microPython, using Raspberry Pi RP2350
In this article we will learn how to use the ST7735 TFT LCD display with Raspberry Pi RP2040 Zero and…
Today I bring you a way to create analog voltage with MCP4725, a DAC (digital to analog) chip. We are using ESP32-C3 and Arduino code
I will teach you how to create analog voltage with PCF8591 and ESP32 in the Arduino IDE. Voltage between 0 and 3.30V from the serial monitor
I will teach you how to implement a GPS tracking with ESP32-C6, using softSerial and showing data on Arduino IDE’s serial monitor
Learn how to control a 7 segment LED display and ESP32-C6, to show numbers and letters. We will use a function to control it
Today I will show you how to use analog input with PIC12F675 and MPLAB X, configuring registers and using interrupts for showing data
Let’s get blinking an LED with PIC12F675 and MPLAB X, using the PICkit3 programmer and without delay() function (using interrupts)