I will teach you how to implement a GPS tracking with ESP32-C6, using softSerial and showing data on Arduino IDE’s serial monitor
Learn how to control a 7 segment LED display and ESP32-C6, to show numbers and letters. We will use a function to control it
Let’s get blinking an LED with PIC12F675 and MPLAB X, using the PICkit3 programmer and without delay() function (using interrupts)
Today we will learn how to control and use the Tiny 0.49″ OLED display from Aliexpress, a real tiny interface device
Let’s dive in and learn how to power Arduino and ESP32 with batteries, using a few Aliexpress modules on the way. All safe and sound.
Let’s get controlling a 16×2 LCD display with ESP32, using the Arduino IDE and a simple library. It can control various sizes of displays.
Today I will show you how to write code and test the SGP40 air quality sensor with ESP32 and Arduino code. It needs a companion SHT21
Let’s study the human eye light level sensor BH1750, a sensor capable of sensing between 1 and 65535 Lux via i2c
I am showing you how to implement a binary clock with ESP32 and API, getting hour and minute from the internet and showing in LEDs
I am showing you how to implement a capacitive touch and debounce with Renesas RA4M1 and TTP223b touch controller, using Arduino code
Let’s get to making a RGB light box with Arduino, using WS2812b neopixels and Arduino Pro mini, battery powered
Let me show you how I made a blinking commemorative keychain, made of PCB and a simple oscillator circuit (3 components)
Let’s learn how to use the APDS9900 cellphone presence sensor, a light and presence sensor by Broadcom for cellphones
I’m implementing a full electronic dice with Raspberry Pi Pico 2, using the random() function of the Arduino IDE and LEDs
Let’s get using a LDR light level sensor to sense the amount of light in the environment around. I am using a Raspberry Pi Pico 2
We are going to implement code for using the HTU21D temperature sensor with ESP32. This is an i2c temperature and humidity sensor.
Let’s dive in and learn how to use the LM35 temperature sensor with ESP32, using a single analog input and a bit of simple code.
Today we are going to talk about the ultrasonic distance sensor HC-SR04 with ESP32, a neat little sensor used to measure distances