PIC16F690 development kit

Today we’re going to get to know the PIC16F690 development kit, a board that fits on one side of the breadboard. 8bit microcontrollers are no longer new, but they are still very useful. You can do a lot of cool things with them.

Compared with Arduino UNO, it has the following specifications:

PIC16F690Arduino UNO
Program memory7kB32kB
RAM memory256b2kB
Analog inputs126
i2c and SPIYes x1Yes x1

Note that the PIC16F690 has less program memory, RAM and EEPROM, but has more IOs and analog inputs. In the end, they are similar chips. Doing an internet search I found the chip between R$5 and R$8. The board we are going to make will only cost a few dollars more.

This can make it interesting to have on your bench. Let’s now look at the electronic circuit of the development board.

PIC16F690 dev kit schematic
PIC16F690 dev kit schematic

See that the board has a connector for PICKIT3 programmer, a filter capacitor, a resistor and LED on pin RC0 and a 20-pin connector for the breadboard. The first prototype is seen in the image below.

PIC16F690 dev kit prototype
PIC16F690 dev kit prototype

I have a series of videos (in this link) where I talk about his programming. More videos are coming, stay tuned. In addition to the schematic diagram, I designed a printed circuit board for the product.

PIC16F690 development kit
PIC16F690 dev kit 3D view
PIC16F690 dev kit 3D view from other angle
PIC16F690 dev kit 3D view from other angle

All manufacturing files in Kicad are at this link on my Github, enjoy. If you want to purchase the PCI card from me, comment below or on my Linkedin. There is also the Hackaday project page.

Do you also want to know other plaques I made? for example an oscillator with 555, a PWM generator and a timer.