Let’s get to making a RGB light box with Arduino, using WS2812b neopixels and Arduino Pro mini, battery powered
Let me show you how I made a blinking commemorative keychain, made of PCB and a simple oscillator circuit (3 components)
The idea is to create a currency converter display with ESP32, showing live conversion data in a OLED display with ESP32 and Arduino code
Let’s learn how to use the APDS9900 cellphone presence sensor, a light and presence sensor by Broadcom for cellphones
I’m implementing a full electronic dice with Raspberry Pi Pico 2, using the random() function of the Arduino IDE and LEDs
Let’s get using a LDR light level sensor to sense the amount of light in the environment around. I am using a Raspberry Pi Pico 2
We are going to implement code for using the HTU21D temperature sensor with ESP32. This is an i2c temperature and humidity sensor.
Let’s dive in and learn how to use the LM35 temperature sensor with ESP32, using a single analog input and a bit of simple code.
Today we are going to talk about the ultrasonic distance sensor HC-SR04 with ESP32, a neat little sensor used to measure distances
You can have analog input readings with ESP32, the code is simple and requires a single configuration, “analogReadResolution”. Let’s code!
We will learn how to use the GY-50 L3G4200D gyroscope with ESP32, a component made by ST semiconductor to measure angular velocity
Today we are buiding a time and temperature e-paper display, based on a NTC thermistor and the DS1307 RTC chip, displaying on e-paper
Let’s learn how to use the 2.9″ E-paper display from WeAct, an epaper display with which you can do a lot of cool stuff
This article is about getting started with Raspberry Pi Pico 2, the new foundation’s silicon and circuit board
This is an update on the “minimalist USB thermometer with ESP32” project of mine. I have decided on the sensor and sent the pcb for fab
Let’s dive into the content and get to know what is PWM and how to use it, using a ESP32-C6 as the controller to study it
Let’s dive into and get twot know the time-of-flight Laser distance sensor VL53L0x from ST semiconductors, with the WiFi chip ESP32-C6
I am starting the project of a minimalist USB thermometer with ESP32, based on the Xiao ESP32-C6 WiFi chip. The sensor is connected via i2c.
Let’s learn how to use a 7 segment LED display with ESP32-C6 and Arduino IDE. It is a matter of 8 resistors and a bit of code