I am going to show you how to interface those cheap 433MHz radio with Arduino and ESP32, using cheap hardware and two ESP32 models
Let’s get to programming STM32 Bluepill with Arduino IDE, using a USB to serial converter and the Arduino IDE 2.x, besides a STM32F103 board
Learn how to control a 7 segment LED display and ESP32-C6, to show numbers and letters. We will use a function to control it
Today I will show you how to use analog input with PIC12F675 and MPLAB X, configuring registers and using interrupts for showing data
Let’s learn how to use the APDS9900 cellphone presence sensor, a light and presence sensor by Broadcom for cellphones
We will learn how to use the GY-50 L3G4200D gyroscope with ESP32, a component made by ST semiconductor to measure angular velocity
Let’s dive into and get twot know the time-of-flight Laser distance sensor VL53L0x from ST semiconductors, with the WiFi chip ESP32-C6
Let’s learn how to use a 7 segment LED display with ESP32-C6 and Arduino IDE. It is a matter of 8 resistors and a bit of code
I started coding for my Bicycle speedometer with ESP12. The idea of the code is to light a single LED…
A quick update on the bicycle odometer project, to show you that I have finished the schematic and done a tentative PCB design
We will learn how to interface the SHT21 temperature sensor with ESP32-S2, via i2c protocol