Let’s learn how to read the BME680 environmental sensor with microPython, using an ESP32 and Thonny IDE. This is an…
Ever needed to detect object presence and distance? use the APDS-9900 proximity sensor with microPython, with the ESP32-C3 super mini
Let’s learn how to get configuring microPython on ESP32-C3 super mini, using a command line tool called “esptool” and Thonny IDE
Let’s learn how to control and read the DS18b20 temperature sensor with micropython, using Thonny IDE and A Raspberry Pi Pico 2
Let’s learn how to read a LM35 temperature sensor with microPython, using a Raspberry Pi Pico 2 and Thonny IDE software
Let’s see how to create analog voltage with microPython, using a Raspberry Pi Pico 2 and MCP4725, along with a GC9A01 round LCD display
Let’s control the round display GC9A01 with microPython, using a Raspberry Pi Pico 2 and a breadboard. Let’s show text on it
Let’s connect and use a DHT11 temperature sensor with microPython, using a Raspberry Pi Pico 2 programmed using Thonny IDE
This article will discuss the usage of a thermocouple with MAX6675 in microPython, which is a temperature sensor used in an industrial set
We will learn how to control the BH1750 light level sensor with microPython, using the Raspberryp Pi Pico 2 RP2350 board and Thonny IDE