I will teach you how to create analog voltage with PCF8591 and ESP32 in the Arduino IDE. Voltage between 0 and 3.30V from the serial monitor
Learn how to control a 7 segment LED display and ESP32-C6, to show numbers and letters. We will use a function to control it
Today I will show you something very uncommon, using two LEDs as Human-machine interface. We will show an integer blinking LEDs
Let’s dive in and figure out how to use a Hilink ultrasonic presence sensor, all you need is an LED and a resistor
Today we will learn how to control and use the Tiny 0.49″ OLED display from Aliexpress, a real tiny interface device
Let’s dive in and learn how to power Arduino and ESP32 with batteries, using a few Aliexpress modules on the way. All safe and sound.
Let me show you how I made a blinking commemorative keychain, made of PCB and a simple oscillator circuit (3 components)
Let’s get using a LDR light level sensor to sense the amount of light in the environment around. I am using a Raspberry Pi Pico 2
Let’s dive into the content and get to know what is PWM and how to use it, using a ESP32-C6 as the controller to study it
I am just starting a Remote control RC car project, a complete radio controlled controller + control board from scratch, come with me
Do you know the SDB628 boost circuit board? it is a neat little board that takes 2-24V and outputs up to 28V at 4A (theoretically)
Let’s me show you the ESP32-C6 dev board – PCBWay partnership. They sent me 5 copies of this neat little board to test out
The HW-006 optical line tracker sensor is an optical assembly used to track lines, mainly for small competition vehicles
I made a bench power supply featuring variable voltage (4.5-12V at 5A), fixed 3.3V and 5V at 3A each. All of it using cheap modules.
Just a quick video of myself soldering pin headers on the Sipeed Tang Nano 4k FPGA board, by means of a soldering iron and a breadboard
I am going to investingate how the TP4056 battery charger chip works, by explaining its workins to you, and how to apply it in your projects
We will learn how to use the NTC thermistor temperature sensor with Arduino, reading it on an analog input
Update on how to develop a circuit board with ESP32-C6, using Kicad and featuring sensors link DHT11 and LM35, also a LED RGB WS2812
Let’s give a update on developing a circuit board – ESP32-C6 WiFi. It may feature sensors (DHT11 and LM35) and a WS2812 LED
See the process to develop a circuit board for the ESP32-C6 with some sensors onboard, like the LM35, DHT11 and also a LED WS2812