DIY 3A/5A bench power supply

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The idea with this article is to show you how I made my bench power supply. All from components off of Aliexpress and other sites. I have had plans for a bench power supply for a long time, including the possible usage of an ATX computer unit.

What gave me the necessary spark to start this project was that I found a DSN6000AUD buck converter module in my things.

DSN6000AUD buck converter module
DSN6000AUD buck converter module

I then designed the entire power supply around it. I also had in hand one of these cheap Chinese volt and ampere (10A) meter. The one in the picture below.

Voltmeter and ammeter unit
Voltmeter and ammeter unit

I decided also to throw two more voltages in the mix: a fixed 5V and a fixed 3.3V, as seen in the complete schematic below.

The complete power supply schematic
The complete power supply schematic

Circuit explanation

The main and first component of this power supply is a 12V/5A unit, similar to those used in laptop computers. It is insulated from the mains, a must in this project; gives the user (me) safety. The 12V from it is used in two places: in a buck converter to generate 5V for the Arduino and in the DSN6000AUD high power buck conveter.

Said converter has an onboard potentiometer which will be exchanged by a bigger one, to be put in the front panel. This variable voltage is then put to use in an output, after being fed to the volt/ampere meter. There are also two identical 3A buck converters, one for generating 5V and the other 3.3V.

They get their voltage straight from the 12V/5A point. Their output will be monitored by the Arduino, both voltages and currents will be read. The current is obtained by a pair of ACS712 hall current sensors. The voltages pass by a 741 opamp with (almost) unit gain.

The two voltages and currents will then be shown in a 16×2 LCD display controlled by the Arduino.

Summarizing the specs

Things there will be in this power supply:

  • 4.5-11.5V 3A variable power supply circuit
  • Display for monitoring variable power supply
  • Fixed 5V 3A circuit
  • Fixed 3.3V 3A circuit
  • Maybe a fixed 12V/5A out (will see)
  • Arduino and LCD display to monitor voltages and currents

I am not planning on addind any fuses to the project, since I will not be handling high power on a daily basis and also every buck converter preset is already electronically protected. Most power converter circuits these days will happily work under short circuit conditions.

This bench power supply is a work in progress, while this message is still here the unit will not have been finished. I will keep you updated.

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