I continue to develop an circuit board – ESP32-C6 WiFi integrated circuit. Today I have the layout practically finished (see below) and I want to bring you the cost of the board, purchasing components at retail in Brazil.
NOTE: Official product page coming soon.

See part 1 of this series here. As a reminder, I am developing an electronic board based on the ESP32-C6 WiFi chip, the newest addition to Espressif’s ESP32 family. The board so far contains the following features:
- Can be mounted directly on breadboard
- It has a 3.3V input directly to the chip
- Includes a voltage regulator to supply the board with 5V
- Includes 4.2V input for battery
- It has a WS2812 addressable RGB LED, selectable by jumper
- It has an LM35 temperature sensor, selectable by jumper
- It has a DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor, selectable by jumper
- Exposes all 11 usable pins (GPIO, i2c, SPI, serial, analog inputs)
The bill of materials
I will start by listing the list of materials and the approximate cost of each item in Brazilian Reais, and then add them up and bring the overall total.
ESP32-C6 Xiao SeeedStudio US$5.20 – R$27.92
Printed circuit board (see details below) US$1, converting to 05/28/2024 gives R$5.14
Silicon Life DHT11 R$14.90
LM35 from Silicon Life R$14.90
LM1117 3.3V regulator R$2.85
Ryndack WS2812 addressable LED R$0.72
3x Jumper 0.1″ R$0.45 each (total R$1.35)
1/2 pin bar 180º 2.54mm (21 pins) R$2.00
2x 10uF SMD aluminum electrolytic capacitors R$1.00 each (total R$2.00)
4x SMD 100nF ceramic capacitors R$0.20 each (total R$0.80)
3x SMD Resistor 470R 0805 R$0.06 each (total R$0.18)
1x 10k 0805 SMD Resistor R$0.06
The costs above do not include shipping, so you cannot take much into consideration. Shipping costs can be much higher. The total value of materials for this project is therefore R$72.82.
Considering the value of the materials and my work, I imagine I could sell this sign for around R$150.00 (US$30). Another option would be not to send the DHT11 and the LM35, in which case the cost would decrease by R$29.80 (discount of US$6).
That’s all for now
If you want to follow the development of the project, it is on Github at this link. You can even have your own sign made.
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